Gloucester Retro 2017


This is an event held each year in the town centre of Gloucester on the 4 roads that converge in the centre, Northgate Street, Eastgate Street, Southgate Street and Westgate Street. It mainly features vintage and veteran cars and motorcycles but also has the fun factor of many people dressing in vintage style to give the event a feeling of bygone days. This page is from the 2017 event, the 2018 was much bigger and I will publish another page from this later, albeit not from film.

All of the pictures on this page are from an Agfa Super Silette film camera (Old Trusty) as mentioned, and in fact here's a picture of it.

and here a some of the exhibits.

A Triumph Roadster

...and here's one in blue

Whilst preparing images for this page I've realised just how many pictures I have, so I will shrink some down a bit to reduce page size.

Austin Sevens were well represented

A nice group of classic performance cars

The Gloucester Mafia were there...but don't worry we're well protected by the force with their panda car. I'm not sure about the bloke in the yellow vest, he looks a bit shady.
The American contingent were represented across two generations

A couple of later models and the French visitor

This is by no means all of the vehicles there, but I was limited by a 24 shot roll of film out of which I've published 19, not bad for a 1953 camera.

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