Halina 3000

Camera type: Compact viewfinder
Lens Type: Halina Anastigmat f2.8 45mm
Shutter Type: Halina 4speed + B
the best compact camera ever made by Hacking in Hong Kong is the Halina
3000. It represents the culmination of all that Halina learnt from the
production of manual compact cameras from the early 35x through the
amazingly popular Paulette to the Halina 300 which precedes it. The 3000
is a lightweight, mostly plastic, camera with a built in lightmeter,
which utilizes the same EV principle as the Paulette. This is transposed
from the meter reading to the lens, which, in turn sets the optimum
speed/aperture. This allows for versatility in that it can be either
shutter or aperture priority. i.e. set the speed and adjust the aperture
until the correct EV appears in the window or set the aperture and
adjust the speed accordingly.

In practice I found the lightmeter a bit lacking but
bearing in mind that it is a seleinum meter which is over 30 years old
it's accuracy cannot be guaranteed, shooting into the sun didn't help.
Fortunately I was equipped with a separate lightmeter which gave more
accurate reading and produced acceptable results. Once I had
accounted for the compensation factor I was back to the built in meter but
setting 1 or 2 stops higher.
I have always had a great affinity
with Halina cameras, after all, this is where it all began for me back in
the late sixties with a Halina Rolls. I know that my comments
can be less than kind sometimes but bear in mind the comments are only
aimed from an engineering standpoint. Halina have always represented
exceptional value for money and their performance is generally reliable.
The lenses are where they score for me with amazingly good results, and
lets face it, the best engineered camera in the world would be of little
use if the lens didn't perform.
On the left is an example of the resolving power of
the Halina lens. Taken on my first trip with this camera it has proved to
be a favourite and hangs in my gallery as a framed 8 x 6 print. The detail
in the woodwork of the seat and the blossom behind is testament to the
lens. Incidentally, I know the picture is on a slope, the picture was
taken this way to offset the lean of the tree.
Time to reload for a second outing
to generate some more pictures for this feature. It's Easter and the
weather is decidedly changeable, fortunately I'm far enough south to avoid
the worst of the appalling weather. The sun is shining as I head off along
the Kennet valley looking for a nice village to photograph but by the time
I have got anywhere the sun has given way to cloud. I grabbed a couple of
shots before this turned to rain. The next day I needed to go into town so
I popped down to the park to finish off the roll. It was snowing as I
walked across town but I could see it was only a shower and by the time I
had reached the park it had stopped and the sun was back.

The weather conditions cheated the lightmeter on
these first shots so the exposures are a bit over. However the detail
shows through and emphasises the quality of the lens.

As I have already said this is
probably the best camera Halina produced. I really find it a pleasure to
use, it's light compact and easy to use and produces some super pictures.
As a bonus the lens has a 49mm thread which makes it useable with a wide
range of filters.


Nowadays, more than ever, in terms
of value it's hard or even impossible to beat for value. You can pick one
of these up from charity shops or car boot sales for a couple of pounds,
which, even with film, makes it cheaper than a disposable.

Down in the park I managed to get
a couple of shots of the snow before it disappeared, showing the freak
weather. With the blossom on the trees and the flowers beginning to emerge
at least shows that spring is on it's way. The picture below right is a
close up of the one above with the point of focus set on the


