The technical stuff:
Type: Compact
Lens: Konica
Shutter: Automatic
What can you say about a point and shoot
automatic camera? You point it and shoot and if you've remembered to load
a film you will get pictures. However, there are pictures and there are
pictures. I did close this roll early but what I got back was not that
impressive. Having said I did push it to extremes using the full zoom
range at both ends, and shooting into the light. At wide angle setting its not bad but it tends to blur around
the edges and the converging verticals are chronic. The picture at the
bottom is approximately 80% cropped from the centre of the original and
still had to be straightened in Photoshop. The
butterfly on the left is the other extreme end of the lens which is
incredibly difficult to hold steady, this is the best of six attempts,
maybe I should have used a tripod. In the centre "sweet spot"
the lens is very sharp as one would expect from a company with Konica's
reputation. If I get a chance I will try taking it out again under
slightly less arduous conditions as I'm sure it can perform extremely
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