The technical stuff:
Camera type: Miniature Folder
Lens Type: Kodak Anastigmat f4.5 - f16
Shutter Type: 4 Speed 25,50,100,125 + B
This is a very unusual 1939 model Retinette 35mm folder.
There is much work to do to get it back to it's glory days
but mechanically it seems ok. I have already made a start by removing the
remains of the leatherette from the door and scraping off the rust. The
shutter fires at all speeds and the self timer works fine, focus is smooth
and the winder turns...
...However, it now turns out that the sprocket spindle
did not, it was seized solid and the gears and levers which control the
film stop and shutter lock are all in disarray. The shutter which appeared
to be ok has a very unusual problem, it wont fire from the shutter button,
because the cocking lever and shutter lever somehow seem to have been
reversed. As the camera is useable as is and given the problems I've
encountered so far I have decided to shoot a first roll before I go any
further. Cosmetically I have returned the body of the camera to something
like it would have been in 1939 although, sadly, I have lost the Retinette
name from the back panel. The inside i.e. lens and shutter assembly, can
wait until the next phase of restoration and I must paint that Kodak badge
on the front.
The results are in and I cannot believe my eyes. This
has to be one the finest sets of images from a first roll from any camera
I have. I will admit to having used a high degree of enhancement but this
is only to compensate for a relatively low resolution scanning from the
process shop and to improve the saturation of a weak film. Bear in mind
that this camera is over 70 years old and the lens is far from perfect not to
mention the accuracy of the shutter speeds.