The technical stuff:
Camera type: Compact viewfinder
Lens Type: Schneider Kreusnach 45mm f3.5 - f22
Shutter Type: Compur Rapid 10 Speed + B
Another one of those ebay bargains, this camera came bundled with a
lightmeter, hood and a set of close up filters including all of the
handbooks and all for under a tenner. The slow speeds are a bit shaky and
the front lens element looks as if it has seen better days but lets wait
and see what it can deliver. The Schneider lens is legendary so I might be
The first roll is now out and processed and the images are a mixture of
good and bad. When the light is good the pictures are definitely better
but the lens is not great. However, I don't think it's because of it's
condition more a case of not set correctly. The previous owner had removed
the lens, there are obvious signs of this, and when reassembled it was not
set to focus properly. This has led to the problem with focus on anything
but infinity. Having said I have managed to get some passable pictures
which are on display here. For the benefit of anyone new to photography or
those who have not yet made the pilgrimage the pictures of the "old
house" at the top are of the photographer's mecca. This is Lacock
Abbey the home of William Henry Fox Talbot. He was the chap who pioneered
the negative/positive film process and without whom these pictures may not
have been possible at all. On the technical side the lens shows that the
resolving power is still excellent despite my misgivings about it's
condition. The detail in the stonework of the canal bridge shows this to
advantage. All in all still a very useable camera which needs a little